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Merry Christmas
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Josephine Santana Gone but never forgotton April 19, 2016
Grandma Josie Merry Christmas January 3, 2015
You are always a part of my daily life
Josephine Santana Happy Easter April 20, 2014
Josephine Santana Big Brother DaVion April 19, 2014

He misses you very much 
Josephine Santana Your big brother Jojo April 19, 2014

Self Mangement Award Lunch
Josephine Santana Grandma Loves You April 19, 2014
Josephine Santana R.I.P. My Angel... 6 years have gone by :'( April 19, 2014

I miss you dearly, I wish I could rewind time to the last time we were together. As we get ready to celebrate Easter you are in the best place with our Father. Happy Easter mama I love you always 
Josephine Santana Missing you Hira April 19, 2014
Josephine Santana Happy New Year 2014 January 1, 2014
Josephine Santana Happy 6th Birthday December 20, 2013
Josephine Santana Missing You April 19, 2013

Today is the annivesary the Lord called for you to sit by him. Thou I am sad and broken hearted I will never see you go to school, play outside, celebrate a birthday or Christmas, etc. I am blessed to have shared the time we had together. I know that time on earth is not the same as on heaven, but I am comforted with the thoughts that I will see you again! I Love You
Josephine Santana My Sweet Angel April 16, 2013

Your place @ home Mommy misses you xoxox December 14, 2012
Mommy Happy 5th Birthday December 14, 2012
Grandma Josie Your Birthday Candle @ grandma's house December 14, 2012
Josephine Santana Happy 5th Birthday December 13, 2012
Sending you Happy Birthday to heaven, I miss you but want you to know I'm fine. I know I will be with you soon! I Love You xoxoxo ((( Hugs ))) 

Grandma Josie Happy 5th Birthday December 12, 2012
Josephine Santana
 O Lord, Whose ways are beyong understanding, listen to the prayers of Your faithful people: that those weighed down by grief at the loss of this little child may find reassurance in Your infinite goodness. Amen.
i miss u so bad. This was ur first bath u hated it.
Titi Rachel, Nana & Jia
This Christmas your grand titi's came to visit from afar. Your baby cousins is doing her 1st Christmas. As we gather together in family we have a whole in our hearts because you are not with us! We love you very much
Grandma Josie
Father God, When your precious Son became a tiny baby in a stable in Bethlehem in poverty and simplicity, you changed our world. As we imagine those surroundings, we join with the shepherds and the wise men in wonder and praise. We thank you for our material lives, praise you for our spiritual lives, and trust in you for our eternal life. Amen. Merry Christmas baby girl, we LOVE you & miss you so much!
My sweet Angel. I have been crying nonstop for these past few days. I cant eat cant sleep cant do to much of anything. No one around me knows the pain I have been going threw. No one understands this emptyness I feel. I dont want to have another one of ur birthdays without u. Please mama help me find the streagth to pull myself together... I just dont know what to do any more. It hurts so bad to be without u..,. I love u baby girl Happy 3rd bithday
mema Josie
Tomorrow is your birthday and as I get ready to blow another candle without, I can't help but wonder how you would sound, if you would look like your mommy when she was younger. Yahira I miss you so much, can't wait to we meet again, so until then Happy 3rd Birthday. I love you so much!

2 yrs and 364 days ago the same thought was going threw my head,"I wonder what she is going to look like" and "I cant wait to hold u" and hear I am today thinking "I wonder what she would look like today" and "I would give anything to have u in my arms again". I just cant beleave I will never see u blow out ur candles or see u get excited when handed a wrapped present. It hurts everyday but on your sunrise (12-13-07) and sunset (4-19-08) its unbarible. I miss u so much mama, every second of every minute of every day! The emptyness in my heart is so heavy somedays I dont know if Im coming or going. 3years ago i couldnt eat and sleep because i was so excited u were finally coming. Today i cant eat or sleep because I cant deal with the fact that ur gone. I love you baby girl.....mommy misses u more then words can express..xoxox


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