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Josephine Santana You & Grandma Rose January 3, 2015
Your great great grandma are together till I meet you all. Missing you 
Josephine Santana Thinking of you April 19, 2014
Grandma Josie Love You Sweet Angel April 16, 2013
Josephine Santana From Alfonso Navarro April 16, 2013
Josephine Santana Another from Evelyn Arroyo April 16, 2013
Josephine Santana Candles lit in your memory by Evelyn Arroyo April 16, 2013
Josephine Santana Another year gone by...miss you January 1, 2013
Josephine Santana Happy New Year without you 2013 January 1, 2013
Grandma Josie Merry Christmas Yahira December 24, 2012
Josephine Santana Birthday Balloons December 12, 2012
Josephine Santana Happy 5th Birthday December 12, 2012
Grandma Josie Happy Birthday Butterfly December 12, 2012
From Mommy Nessa My Hands December 12, 2012
Josephine Santana from your mommy December 12, 2012
Grandma Josie Happy Birthday December 12, 2012
Marie Lozada My Few Words..... April 19, 2012
My heart goes out to you Josie & your family...this is beautiful for your grand-dtr...she has a huge smile as she shines down on you all...GBU!
Mara Estero My Condolences for the Family September 30, 2011
Have you lost a loved one in death? The pain, the grief, and the feelings of helplessness can seem unbearable. At such times, we need to go to God’s Word for comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4) The Bible helps us to understand how Jehovah and Jesus feel about death. Jesus, who perfectly reflected his Father, knew the pain of losing someone in death. (John 14:9) When he was in Jerusalem, Jesus used to visit Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, who lived in the nearby town of Bethany. They became close friends. The Bible says: “Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” (John 11:5) Though, Lazarus died. How did Jesus feel about losing his friend? The account tells us that Jesus joined Lazarus’ relatives and friends as they grieved over this loss. Seeing them, Jesus was deeply moved. He “groaned in the spirit and became troubled.” Then, the account says, “Jesus gave way to tears.” (John 11:3335) Did Jesus’ grief mean that he had no hope? Not at all. In fact, Jesus knew that something wonderful was about to happen. (John 11:3, 4) Still, he felt the pain and sorrow that death brings. In a way, Jesus’ grief is encouraging to us. It teaches us that Jesus and his Father, Jehovah, hate death. But Jehovah God is able to fight and overcome that enemy! Let us see what God enabled Jesus to do.
For more reference about this wonderful hope you can visit 
mommy missing u April 19, 2011
Grandma Josie I am not there January 3, 2011
Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the snow on the mountain's rim, I am the laughter in children's eyes, I am the sand at the water's edge, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle Autumn rain, When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight, I am the star that shines at night, Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there, I did not die.
Grandma Josie NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS December 27, 2010
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS FOR BEREAVED PARENTS I Resolve: • That I will grieve as much and for as long as I feel like grieving, and that I will not let others put a time table on my grief. • That I will grieve in whatever way I feel like grieving, and I will ignore those who try to tell me what I should or should not be feeling and how I should or should not be behaving. • That I will cry whenever and wherever I feel like crying, and that I will not hold back my tears just because someone else feels I should be "brave" or "getting better" or "healing by now." • That I will talk about my child as often as I want to, and that I will not let others turn me off just because they can't deal with their own feelings. • That I will not expect family and friends to know how I feel, understanding that one who has not lost a child cannot possibly know how I feel. • That I will not blame myself for my child's death, and I will constantly remind myself that I did the best job of parenting I could possibly have done. But when feelings of guilt are overwhelming, I will remind myself that this is a normal part of the grief process and it will pass. • That I will not be afraid or ashamed to seek professional help if I feel it is necessary. • That I will commune with my child at least once a day in whatever way feels comfortable and natural to me, and that I won't feel compelled to explain this communion to others or to justify or even discuss it with them. • I will keep the truth in my heart--the truth that my child is always with me in spirit. • That I will try to eat, sleep, and exercise every day in order to give my body strength it will need to help me cope with my grief. • To know that I am not losing my mind and I will remind myself that loss of memory, feelings of disorientation, lack of energy, and a sense of vulnerability are all a normal part of the grief process. • To know that I will heal, even though it will take a long time. • To let myself heal and not feel guilty about not feeling better sooner. • To remind myself that the grief process is circuitous--that is, I will not make steady upward progress. And when I find myself slipping back into the old moods of despair and depression, I will tell myself that "slipping backward" is also a normal part of the mourning process, and that these moods, too, will pass. • To try to be happy about something for some part of every day, knowing that at first, I may have to force myself to think cheerful thoughts so eventually they can become a habit. • That I will reach out at times and try to help someone else, knowing that helping others will help me to get over my depression. • That even though my child is dead, I will opt for life, knowing that is what my child would want me to do. ~From the Brooksville/Spring Hill FL. TCF Newsletter
Aida Nazario Happy Birthday Yahira December 13, 2010

A Birthday In Heaven
© 2005 Written by Kris Smith

I heard you crying yesterday
And felt your heart-sent love
So I’m sending you this message
Now, from Heaven up above.

You’re wondering if I’ll celebrate
My birthday (way up here)
I know you’re missing me today
I feel your essence near.

God planned a special day for me
He told me with a wink
He’d ordered me a special cake
(It’s Angel food, I think)

I’m getting lots of hugs from God
He’s really good at that
And every time that I walk by
He gives my head a pat

Balloons will fill the streets for me
They float up through the clouds
And we have lots of clowns up here
That make us laugh out loud

There is a birthday carousel
Jeweled horses ride the wind
With music playing oh so sweet…
The magic never ends

I’ve made so many friends, you see
We laugh and play and sing
We ride our bikes and play jump rope
And sleep in Angel’s wings

We’ll have our cake and ice cream
And open gifts, surprise!
But we don’t blow out our candles here
Instead, they light the skies

Titi Rachel My dearest niece December 12, 2010
Our lives have not been the same since the day the Lord called upon you to be by his side. The pain today is just as fresh as the day we received the terrible news. Where we drove 2 1/2 hours to be with you, mommy & your brothers. Felt like forever! Its still feels like a dream, like any moment I will wake up and you will be walking, ...playing, fighting with your cousins, like it should be! ;(
Happy Birthday Yahira we Love you & miss you so much.
abuela Don't Tell Me December 12, 2010
Please don't tell me you know how I feel, Unless you have lost your grandchild too, Please don't tell me my broken heart will heal, Because that is just not true, Please don't tell me my son is in a better place, Though it is true, I want him here with me, Don't tell me someday I'll hear her voice, see her face, Beyond today I cannot see, Dont tell me it is time to move on, Because I cannot, Dont tell me to face the fact she is gone, Because denial is something I can't stop, Don't tell me to be thankful for the time I had, Because I wanted more, Don't tell me when I am my old self you will be glad, I'll never be as I was before, What you can tell me is you will be here for me, That you will listen when I talk of my grandchild, You can share with me my precious memories, You can even cry with me for a while, And please don't hesitate to say her name, Because it is something I long to hear everyday, Friend please realize that I can never be the same, But if you stand by me, you may like the new person I become someday.
Grandma Josie another Holiday w/o you December 11, 2010
O Lord, grant those who have died the joy of Your Presence, and us who are living the happiness of knowing this.
Grandma Josie Do You Believe in Angels? December 10, 2010
Do You Believe in Angels? Do you believe in Angels? I do, as I have seen One who holds my heart Beautiful Yahira Jesenia Do you believe in Angels? I do, as true as the sun She came into my life December 13, 2007 Do you believe in Angels? I do, as I want to share This special angel Had baby brown fine hair Do you believe in Angels? I do, as I have seen one smile She brightened a gray world Forever and a mile Do you believe in Angels? I do, as I have looked into her eyes An innocent soul within Deep brown and wide Do you believe in Angels? I do, with this I struggle Sharing her warmth By my side she did snuggle Do you believe in Angels? I do, as I have breathed in time Her heart beating with me Perfectly matched with mine Do you believe in Angels? I do, as I know believers are few Angel baby left me behind April 19, 2008 Do you believe in Angels? I do, as I give you a hug Hoping you believe now With eternal love from Grandma Josie
Grandma Josie Special Angel December 10, 2010
Special Angel Author unknown There is a special Angel in Heaven That is a part of me It is not where I wanted her But where God wanted her to be She was here just a moment Like a night time shooting star And though she is in Heaven She isn't very far She touched the hearts of many Like only an Angel can do I would have held her every moment If the end I only knew So I send this special message To heaven up above Please God take care of my Angel and send her all my love
Lori Friend June 4, 2010
Always know Yahira is with you, closer than you think. She's the song in your heart & the breeze on your cheek.  She will always live in you & around you.  Love & prayers from me always....Lori xoxox
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Angelversary April 17, 2010
Isaiah Campbell's Mommy HUGS & KISSES 4 U!! August 12, 2009
mom 2 Waylon kitchens hugs and prayers August 1, 2009
Isaiah Campbell's Mommy "Just A-Flying By To Bring Sahira A Happy Hi!" July 18, 2009
Waylon's mom 4 Yahira's mommy May 9, 2009
♥♥WENDY♥Angel Kevin♥Conatty♥♥ REMEMBERING YOU April 27, 2009

Grandma Josie 1 Year has passed April 18, 2009



He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his uprightness.
Isaiah 57:2

Loving Heavenly Father!

You know how troubled I am thinking about my loved one who has departed from this world.

Lord! On this memorial day of my beloved one, I plead for Your new strength and new grace which alone can carry me through the rest of my life. Lord! Your word says that as Your children we can meet our departed ones in that beautiful shore. Till then comfort me and console me! Please be with me and guide me.

Lord I thank You for sustaining me with Your grace even amidst this loss! I trust only on You to grant me the peace which the world can never give.

Lord! I also thank You for the life of my beloved one who is no more. May You strengthen me till I come to Your kingdom. In Jesus' name - I Pray.




vanay crisp's mother lost April 17, 2009
my 4yr old daughter drowned 8-2-08 i had just married my love on much pain. i feel its my fault. i need you to know this. i dont't know you, but our children do know one another. I DO FEEL YOUR PAIN. there will be a day when we hold our girls again. keep ur head up mother! be strong
Grandma Josie Prayer April 9, 2009

St. Jude, relative of Jesus and Mary, glorious apostle and martyr, renowned for your virtues and miracles, faithful and prompt intercessor for all who honor you and trust in you! Powerful patron and helper in grievous affliction, come to my aid, for you have received from God the privilege of assisting with manifest help those who almost despair. Look down upon me; my life is a life of crosses, and my paths are strewn with thorns. My soul is enveloped in darkness, discouragement, and sometimes even a kind of despair. Divine Providence seems lost to my sight, and faith seems to falter in my heart. You cannot forsake me in this sad plight! I will not depart from you until you have heard me. Hasten to my aid. I will thank God for the graces bestowed upon you, and will propagate your honor in whatever way I can. Amen.

Grandma In Loving Memory April 9, 2009



Waylon's mom For u lil Angel March 31, 2009
Isaiah's Mommy "Here's Wishing Warm & Sunny Days Ahead" March 18, 2009
Savanha Kandyces mommy March 15, 2009
Thanks 4 the candle 4 my baby girl.I know how you feel, your baby girl is soooooo pretty.I was wounding if i can talk to u about our storys? my babys 1st bday is 3-17-08 and idk what to do im going to lose it! i think u can help me My email is GodBless
Isaiah Campbell's Mommy For You March 7, 2009
Grandma Josie Happy Valentines Day February 14, 2009
This would have been your 1st Valentine's Day but we still hold you in our hearts. So here is a spevail message frrom me I love you Yahira baby girl xoxoxo
Baby Ethan Lombard's Mommy Valentine's Day February 13, 2009

Love, Angel Ethan & Family <3
x o
Grandma Josie Happy 1st Birthday December 13, 2008
Today we gather to sing you Happy Birthday we cried because we miss you but most of all we are blessed that you touched our lives the way you did. So as we sing for you may your ?& the rest if the angels r dancing in heaven. WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS N FOREVER
Baby Ethan Lombard's Mommy Happy Heavenly Birthday December 13, 2008

Thinking of you on this special day little Yahira <3 I pray that the precious memories of you warm the hearts of those who love and miss you today baby angel <3!

Ethan's Family
Shanna sorry for your loss October 24, 2008

I was here visiting Myria Silva's page and seen this beautiful little girl of yours. I really know what you are going through. We lost our step-daughters son little T.J. in 2003 to SIDS. I was angry for a long time. He was 20 months old and didn't think that he could be taken by SIDS but I realized it was our Lord that wanted him home. I can say it was not easy and still isn't, but it does get better with time. I would pray every night for him to meet me in my dreams so I could say good bye but for 3 years it never happened then finally one night it did. I told him I would see him later when I get to Heaven. I woke up crying my eyes out but I felt peace and have not been sad about it since. I know he is in a better place along with your baby girl and all the ones that have gone before us. God picks the best. I am truly sorry for what you are going through and I will pray for your family. With Love and saddness.


Doris Cosme Santana For You Josie & Family September 19, 2008

Loss can come upon you suddenly and overwhelm you with grief. Giving yourself time and space to heal, and being real with the Lord about your pain can help. Consider these sure words of comfort from Scripture and pray the prayer below asking the Father to give you new hope and strength to go on.


The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, 'The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!'

Gladys Lamboy Sorry for your great loss.. August 3, 2008
Josie it so saddens me to know of your great loss...I have so much faith n believe that u will see her again in eternity..Yahira is a precious Angel now watching over all her love ones...Some things happen in life we never get anwers for..this is had her for 4 mths of her life and ejoyed every second of it and sad to say that shes gone now but will never be forgottten and i'm sure your all grateful for having had her in your lives..SHE WAS N STILL IS A BEAUTIFUL BABY..
Nery Visit July 30, 2008
I just view the whole page and I honestly understand your feellings. Memories keep them alive in our heart. An Angel by our Lord side. There is no doubt.
Aida Yahira - New Angel in Heaven May 19, 2008
My thoughts & prayers are with Josephine and family in their time of grief. It's not easy now, but in time wonderful memories will bring you smiles.
God Bless!
Aida Nazario
Attleboro, MA
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